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The British Army's Military Engineer Reserve Regiment

75 Engineer Regiment

The British Army’s Light Role & Close Support Reserves

Our sapper reserves support Operations overseas by providing light role, close support military engineering to 4 Light Brigade Combat Team.










Combat Support

Our Skills

Few careers can match the diversity, training and experiences that 75 Engineer Regiment can offer. As a Reserve soldier, you will become confident in your role, with the opportunity to travel and use your skills. It's not all hard work though, as you will also get the opportunity to participate in sports and Adventurous Training.

  • Tradesmen
  • Plant operators
  • Combat engineers



  • Cyprus - Operation TOSCA
  • Iraq – Operation SHADER
  • South Sudan – Operation TRENTON
  • Ukraine – Operation ORBITAL

202 Field Squadron

Transferring into the Army Reserves Sapper Ramzan

The highlight of my career so far is completing Phase Two training.

I have been skydiving in Germany, skiing in France and conducted a battlefield tour in Poland.

I am looking forward to gaining my driving qualifications and attending a basic signalling course. My main aspiration is to go on an operational tour with my unit.

The Army offers endless opportunities and is something I have never looked back on. I have met so many great people and pushed myself out of my comfort zone. I would recommend it to anyone.

107 Field Squadron

Joining the Reserves Sapper Smith

With the skills I learned in the cadets, I always knew I wanted to join the British Army.

I am looking forward to completing the training and having my pass out parade. My family can come and watch and will be shown what we have learned and achieved during my training.

Once I have completed my Phase One Training, I am looking forward to join my Squadron and be loaded onto my Combat Engineer course. On completion, I will receive extra pay as a fully trained soldier within 75 Engineer Regiment.

106 Field Squadron

Civilian to Reservist Sapper Murray

My time within the Army Reserves has been absolutely amazing and works perfectly around work, and other commitments.

You can gain so much from being part of the Reserves and meet some amazing people who become lifelong friends.

It's not all work there’s some great social events, and also Adventure Training where you can gain qualifications not only to use within the Army but also in everyday life.



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