• Publications

British Army Review

The British Army Review is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of all matters of professional interest to the soldier. Articles are invited from all ranks and from others having a special knowledge of or interest in military affairs.

BAR Editions, Articles and Special Reports

Here you'll find the latest BAR editions, individual articles, Special Reports and a wide variety of themes and topics relating to the British Army and the wider defence community.

The British Army Review – Autumn 2023

Having previously examined the now [Mobilisation – Issue 182] and next [How We Fight 2026 – Issue #183], the latest issue of The British Army Review throws a spotlight on force development and its importance to dealing with expected, and unexpected, future challenges.

It features a foreword by Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Lt General Sharon Nesmith, and suite of articles produced by Army Futures, which serves as an introduction to the Land Operating Concept (A New Way of Winning) and explores advances in human-machine teaming and the vital role of wargaming in steering decision makers.

The edition also looks over the horizon at the concept of cyber peacekeeping and includes an exclusive interview from inside the ranks of Ukraine’s IT Army. A follow-up interview to the latter, which explores how the hacktivist group exercises command and control, can be found here.

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BAR Special Report The Gulf War Volume 2

British Army Review (BAR) Special Report: The Gulf War Volume 2 looks at the Gulf War 1990-1991 from a wider perspective than that of Volume 1. In this edition we have an article on BAOR of the 1980s that illustrates how dramatic changes to 1 (BR) Corps paved the way for the stunning success of the British Army during the Gulf War.

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