• Brigade of Gurkhas

British Gurkhas Nepal

Maintain the Firm Base in Nepal in order to enable Gurkha recruiting and welfare services.


Gurkha Recruitment for the British Army and Gurkha Contingent Singapore Police Force is run by the Recruit Cell in British Gurkhas Pokhara, part of British Gurkhas Nepal.

Gurkha recruiting is Free, Fair and Transparent. Paying money to anyone (Dalals) cannot improve your chance of becoming a Gurkha. All castes, family backgrounds and skin colours can apply from any part of Nepal and have an equal chance of becoming a Gurkha. Everything you need to know about Gurkha Recruiting is on the link below.


ब्रिटिस सेना र गोर्खा कन्टिनजेन्ट सिङ्गापुर पुलिस फोर्सका लागि गोर्खा भर्ती ब्रिटिस गोर्खा नेपालको ब्रिटिस गोर्खा पोखरामा अवस्थित रिक्रुट सेलद्वारा सञ्चालित गरिन्छ।

गोर्खा भर्ती निःशुल्क, निष्पक्ष र पारदर्शी छ। कसैलाई (दलाल) पैसा दिएर तपाईँको गोर्खा बन्ने सम्भावना बढाउन सक्दैन। सबै जाति, पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमिको र जुनसुकै छालाको रङ  भएका , नेपालको कुनै पनि भागबाट निवेदन दिन सकिन्छ र गोर्खा बन्ने समान अवसर पाउने छ। गोर्खा भर्तीको बारेमा तपाईँले जान्नुपर्ने सबै कुरा तलको लिङ्कमा छ।

After you have looked through the link below, if you still have questions please email given below.
यदि तपाईँले तलको लिङ्क हेरिसकेपछि पनि तपाईँसँग अझै प्रश्नहरू छन् भने कृपया तल  दिइएको ठेगानामा इमेल गर्नुहोस्: [email protected]

Gurkha Recruitment

Serving Soldier Welfare

Brigade and Unit Welfare Officer (BUWO)

  • Investigate and send Compassionate Case Signals to Joint Casualty and Compassionate Cell (JCCC).
  • Maintain Serving Personnel contacts those on leave in Nepal and investigate leave extensions.
  • NOTICAS, DILFOR, Repatriations, and provide after care services.
  • Conduct BMRC and deal with marital disputes in Nepal.
  • Assist dependent for UK VISA documentation and call forward for Brunei Garrison.
  • Perform normal Unit Welfare Officer’s task for BGN Serving Personnel.

Click here for Brigade and Unit Welfare Issues Only

BGN Arrival Information Booklet

BGN Veteran Services

We provide free services and support to Gurkha Veterans and their eligible dependants on issues relating to their records and UK settlement matters in addition to administering pension payments to pensioners on Gurkha Pension Scheme and Gurkha Contingent Singapore Police Force pensioners.

These services are offered through BGN Veteran Service Departments; namely: Gurkha Veterans’ Advice Centres (GVAC) in Kathmandu/ Pokhara/Dharan/Butwal, Darjeeling Veterans’ Advice Centre (DVAC), Gurkha Settlement Office (GSO) in Kathmandu and Records Office in Pokhara.

Important Notice for Pensioners

Due to unreliability of postal services, we have started sending Life Certificates to overseas pensioners through emails and found this method to be very effective.  We are aiming to capture everyone living abroad this way by the end of this year.  Hence, we encourage all pensioners to update their email addresses with us where possible – this will allow us to send pensioners not only the life certificates but also expiry notices in good time. You can also download the form from this website. Pensioners in Nepal are required to visit GVACs for Life Certificate renewals as far as is practicable.



Disaster Relief Preparedness

  • Conduct disaster relief exercises
  • Keep camp resources in a ready state at all times

Learn more about the Brigade of Gurkhas in Parbate Magazine. Read it here

Learn more about the British Army in Soldier Magazine.

BGN Newsletter Gorkhali Khabar - November 2024 12th Edition

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