• Education

International Defence Training (Army)

International Defence Training (Army) (ITD(A)) is based in Warminster, UK and helps deliver training to over 1,500 International Students annually, from over 110 Partner Nations, attending over 170 different courses with the British Army. IDT(A) is the primary point of contact for international students attending all British Military Army, and some Joint, courses.

Courses are available in the following areas; Ammunition and Explosives and SearchingAnimal Related Courses, Armour CentreArtilleryCatering, Combined Arms and Collective Training, Drill, Driving, Engineering, Finance and Administration, Infantry, Intelligence and Security, Languages, Logistics, Medicine, Music, Photography, Physical Training, Police Training, Surveying

You can attend training at the following locations; Cranfield Defence and Security University, Defence College of Technical Training, Joint Service Command and Staff College and the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Available Courses