The British Army’s three healthcare corps are being amalgamated into a new modern corps called The Royal Army Medical Service. The creation of the new corps demonstrates the government’s commitment to ensure the Army continues to modernise to meet the threats of the future, as the Armed Forces help keep Britain secure at home and strong abroad.
This change is part of the Army’s Future Soldier programme and brings together the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), the Royal Army Dental Corps (RADC) and the Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC). This amalgamation has no impact on military or civilian workforce numbers.
His Majesty King Charles approved The Royal Army Medical Service name. The amalgamation will ensure that the next generation of the Army will continue to be supported by a modern corps capable of delivering healthcare on exercises and operations at home and around the world. The underlying ethos of its founding corps will remain.

Minister for the Armed Forces Luke Pollard MP said:
“The Government is committed to ensuring that our Army is structured to meet its purpose of protecting the nation and helping it prosper.
“This change will deliver improvements for those serving and promote the world-class work of the Royal Army Medical Service. I thank all those who serve in the new Royal Army Medical Service for their professionalism, dedication and care they offer.
Master General Army Medical Services Major General Hodgetts said:
“At the heart of this institutional modernisation will be culture and behaviour change to develop a single, agile workforce, appropriately educated to operate, fight and adapt in uncertainty that will deliver leading-edge developments in treatment and care.”
The Royal Army Medical Service will deliver modernised, multi-disciplinary healthcare offering opportunities for better organisation culture and a unified, inclusive, and representative corps. Personnel will be able to work across all areas of the Royal Army Medical Service, maximising the talents of our people to enhance our fighting power which is central to delivering the government’s first duty - keeping our nation safe.
The Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC) will remain an independent corps outside of the Royal Army Medical Service due to their legal and operational combatant status which differs from the special protected status of the RAMC, RADC and QARANC.