Guards Training Company receive new company colour from The Duke of Edinburgh

Over 200 Trainee Guards received their new company colour - the ceremonial flags embodying a regiment - from The Duke of Edinburgh today at the Infantry Training Centre, Catterick.

Following His Majesty The King’s ascension to the throne, it was agreed that the Household Division crest would take on the Tudor crown representing a King on the throne.

Coming straight into Infantry Training and three months later getting the experience to meet His Royal Highness is quite a big thing and it’s a great experience to have at the start of my career.

Connor Cooley-Balfour, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick

The last changing of company colours, by His Majesty, then Prince of Wales, took place in 2003, on the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Guards Training Company.

Twelve years later, The Duke presented the new company colour in a parade by Guards Training Company Platoons, with the recruits taking part ranging from day four of training to their final week at the ITC.

Parading on the square in front of His Royal Highness for this rare event is a moment the Trainee Guards will remember for the rest of their career.

20-year-old Connor Cooley-Balfour said: “Coming straight into Infantry Training and three months later getting the experience to meet His Royal Highness is quite a big thing and it’s a great experience to have at the start of my career.”

I wish you all the best as you undergo your training and prepare to be the Guardsmen of the future.

Prince Edward, The Duke of Edinburgh

Addressing the parade, The Duke of Edinburgh said:

“On behalf of His Majesty I hand over this colour in the confidence that you will guard it well.

“I wish you all the best as you undergo your training and prepare to be the Guardsmen of the future.

“When you march off with your new colour for the first time, feel that sense of history, enjoy the moment and just walk a few inches taller, well done.”

The recruits also had a chance to speak with His Royal Highness after the parade in a small gathering.

I’ve never met a member of the Royal Family before so this has been a good experience, and it will definitely be a moment to remember in my career.

Liam Powell, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick

18-year-old Liam Powell said: “I’ve never met a member of the Royal Family before so this has been a good experience, and it will definitely be a moment to remember in my career.

“Seeing my company get presented with new colours is a rare occasion.

“Seeing my company get presented with new colours is a rare occasion.

“When I spoke to Prince Edward he asked about my training and wished me good luck for my pass out parade next Friday.”