Garrison Sergeant Major steps out in style

Although Saturday 6 May 2023 marked a historic moment with the first Coronation in 70 years it was also a poignant moment in the military careers of two senior soldiers. It saw the formal handover of the prestigious Army role of the Garrison Sergeant Major (GSM) at Edinburgh Castle.

Garrison Sergeant Major steps out in style

The Royal Gun Salute at Edinburgh Castle, in honour of the Coronation, saw Warrant Officer Class One (WO1) Anthony Gibson MVO parade for the last time after 25 years dedicated service in the Scots Guards. The event saw the ‘Lancashire Lad’ parade with Inverurie born WO1 Ruaridh Tuach from The Royal Regiment of Scotland (SCOTS), who light-heartedly reminded WO1 Gibson that the ‘pace stick was now his’ as he would now be responsible for priming British Army soldiers in Scotland for upcoming ceremonial events.

WO1 Anthony Gibson MVO has had a remarkable military career and been in one of the most privileged positions for any Scots Guard or senior soldier in the British Army during his tenure as GSM. Not only has he deployed on operations to Iraq and Afghanistan he has also travelled to many countries including across Europe, Canada, and Hong Kong.

The pinnacle and most challenging part of his career however was the role he played in delivering Operation Unicorn following the passing of her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For this he was awarded as a Member of the Royal Victorian Order (MVO) – a significant and precious award signifying great duty and honour. During this WO1 Gibson also had the privilege of meeting HM The King.

There was however a waiver of composure, a calm and collective composure he is well renowned for, on Saturday as WO1 Anthony Gibson MVO emotionally stated: “I may not be a son of Scotland, but Scotland will forever be in my heart. Thank you everyone for the many memories”.

I may not be a son of Scotland, but Scotland will forever be in my heart. Thank you everyone for the many memories


WO1 Ruaridh Tuach, taking over as the most senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) role in Scotland, and as a SCOT with ‘large steadfast Lancashire boots to fill’ said: “Thank you to WO1 Gibson for all you have done during your tenure and for setting me up for success. I look forward to executing the State Ceremonial Events over the summer, especially welcoming The King to Edinburgh for Royal Week. It’s shaping up to be week to remember for myself and Edinburgh.”

I look forward to executing the State Ceremonial Events over the summer, especially welcoming The King to Edinburgh for Royal Week. It’s shaping up to be week to remember for myself and Edinburgh


WO1 Ruaridh Tuach, has also deployed on operations and exercises across the globe. He also originally met The King when His Majesty opened a sports centre in Inverurie, jumping the queue to shake his hand three times! This year, WO1 Ruaridh Tuach will not have to jump any queue as he will be front and centre of any large ceremonial events in Scotland.

The GSM is responsible for the delivery of all state ceremonial events in Scotland, mainly Edinburgh and Balmoral. The role is normally filled by the most Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in Scotland and falls under the remit of Headquarters 51 Infantry Brigade and Headquarters Scotland.