• UK Special Forces (Reserve)

63 (UKSF) Signal Squadron

Special Forces Communicators (Reserve) provide additional communications capability to their regular counterparts. Operating at the highest level in difficult and often changing circumstances in situations that are important operationally and strategically.

Two soldiers in the dark by a body of water with a roaring fire next to them. The soldiers are holding guns.

Active From

1st April 1967


Specialist Communications


Operate command and control systems

Three soldiers in combat gear wearing night vision goggles in a dark environment.

Our People

Soldier A is a Police Officer and is awarded an extra two weeks paid leave (annually) to complete SF trade courses.
Soldier B works for Government services and is also awarded two additional weeks paid leave by his employer to attend overseas UKSF exercises, whilst also receiving a daily wage from the reserves.
Soldier C is a University student and uses much of her free time to attend training events, she also takes advantage of the pay and various bonuses associated with an Army Reserve recruit.

Our Skills

63 (UKSF) Signal Squadron is open to both males and females that are robust, intelligent and possess physical stamina to operate in demanding and hostile environments. As an Special Forces Communicator (Reserve) you are taught to use numerous communication systems, weapons and insertion techniques.

In addition to the Special Forces Communicator (SFC) qualification, we are also recruiting:

  • Royal Signals Communication Operators (Generalist)
  • Adjutant General’s Corp (AGC) (SPS) Clerks
  • Royal Logistic Corp (RLC) Chefs
  • Royal Army Medical Corp (RAMC) Medics
A dark image of a soldier in the jungle carrying a gun and wearing green camouflage and night vision goggles.

Contact Us

For more information on how to join the SAS (Reserve):

63 (UKSF) Signal Squadron


UK Special Forces (Reserve)

Learn More
Three soldiers in combat gear wearing night vision goggles in a dark environment.

21 & 23 Special Air Service (SAS)

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A dark image of a soldier in the jungle carrying a gun and wearing green camouflage and night vision goggles.