• UK Special Forces (Reserve)

21 & 23 Special Air Service (SAS)

21 & 23 SAS are an integrated part of the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) group comprising regular and reserve units, operating at the strategic , and tactical level. They operate in difficult and often changing circumstances, where the requirement for maturity and sound judgement is paramount.

Three soldiers in combat gear wearing night vision goggles in a dark environment.

Applying for the SAS

21 & 23 SAS processes applications from male and female applicants, with no previous military service. Applicants must be no older than 42 years 6 months when applying to join the Army Reserves (AR). They will then be sponsored out to their recommended local AR unit to complete basic initial trade training, then gain experience before being allowed to attempt SAS Reserves Selection.

Ex Regular and AR applicants must be no older than 43 years 364 days on commencement of the Aptitude phase of SAS(R) Selection.

Applicants must be able to commit to intense and extended training demands, be willing to deploy overseas and commit to operations.

Two soldiers in the dark by a body of water with a roaring fire next to them. The soldiers are holding guns.

The BC is an arduous 6-day assessment phase that briefs on the qualities and standards required for service within UKSF and conducts an initial assessment of candidates’ suitability for continued progression on to one of the selection pathways. If successful, the candidate can choose which pathway they want to attempt, regular or reserve.

On passing Aptitude, applicants will undertake a further period of consolidated training. This is an intensive period of instruction and assessment on Special Forces tactics, techniques and procedures,; military skills form a major part of the programme.

The purpose of Aptitude is twofold; it allows a candidate to demonstrate their physical and mental resilience under arduous conditions, while providing the Directing Staff (DS) an insight to the applicant’s motivation for wanting to serve in UKSF(R).

On passing Aptitude, applicants will undertake a further period of consolidated training. This is an intensive period of instruction and assessment on Special Forces tactics, techniques and procedures, military skills form a major part of the programme.

This is a demanding phase of a SAS Reserves training, with the emphasis on individuals assimilating new skills, while under physical and mental pressure.

On successful completion of their consolidated SOPTAC training, candidates will be loaded onto a Continuation Training programme.

Stage 4 is a 5-week touch point for all selection pathways. It includes Surveillance Reconnaissance, Signals and SERE (Survive, Evade, Resist, Escape).

The Continuation Training programme is designed to equip the SAS Reserve soldier with all the core skills required to be considered fully deployable.


On successful completion of basic training the starting daily rate for an SAS Trooper is over £134 per day plus all the usual Reserve service incentives. These include an annual tax-free bounty, paid leave and pension.

Support Staff

21 & 23 SAS Support Sqn staff are not required to pass Selection; however, they must maintain a high level of fitness and commitment. Male and female applicants willing to transfer from other units Regular or Army Reserve should be aged 18 to 51 years and 364 days, have their Security Clearance in-place and hold full trade qualifications (Class 2 minimum) in their respective trades. The specific trades require you to have previously served or are currently serving within the armed forces. We do not accept Direct Entrants into the support roles

  • RLC Driver, Chef, Storeman
  • RAMC RMO, Medic (CMT1)
  • R Sigs Comm Sys Operator/Driver
  • AGC (SPS) Clerk
  • Int Corps Analyst

Support Staff are a vital part of 21 & 23 SAS and are valued members of UKSF(R). They are offered the same opportunities to mobilise and deploy in support of their SAS counterparts.


21 & 23 SAS provide an opportunity for soldiers to work within a unique, diverse and exciting organisation with evolving operational roles. Service is physically and intellectually challenging, but the rewards are significant.

We are looking for self-motivated individuals with leadership potential and the ability to influence and serve on operations. In addition to a strong sense of purpose embracing the challenges of a complex world, 21 & 23 SAS provide challenge and adventure.

21 & 23 SAS units are located across the UK. To submit your initial enquiry of interest, contact your nearest location, using the listed telephone points of contact or emails below.

Contact Us

21 SAS (R)

• London and South East
• Wales
• M3/M4 Corridor
• East Anglia
• South West

23 SAS (R)

• West Midlands
• North East
• North West
• Scotland (Lowland)
• Scotland (Highland)


UK Special Forces (Reserve)

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Three soldiers in combat gear wearing night vision goggles in a dark environment.

63 (UKSF) Signal Squadron

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Two soldiers in the dark by a body of water with a roaring fire next to them. The soldiers are holding guns.