Active from:
26 May 1716
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We specialise in a vast number of trade areas which make the Gunners one of the most diverse Regiments, with lots of opportunities. Many of the trades found across the Army can be followed in the Royal Artillery - they range from:
- Communicators
- Gun Operators
- Missile Operators
- Drone Operators and Pilots
- Mounted Horse Gunners
- Parachutists
- Commandos
- High Tech Target Surveillance Operators
We have 14 Regular and seven Reserve regiments. Go to their specific pages to learn more about them individually, as well as the diversity and scale of the Royal Artillery.
The Royal Artillery motto is Ubique - meaning Everywhere. This reflects that the Gunners have been in every British Army battle and deployment for over 300 years - and we still are. The British Army will never deploy without its Royal Artillery.
Current deployments:
- Poland
- Estonia
- Germany
- Cyprus
- Iraq
- Kenya
- Falkland Islands
Our family is as diverse as our equipment and capability. People from an array of cultures and social backgrounds operate our high tech equipment with professionalism.
The quality of a Gunner is achieved through investment in training and educating our soldiers; something we take great pride in.
Regimental Headquarters Royal Artillery, Larkhill Garrison
The heart of the Gunners is located in Larkhill on the edge of Salisbury Plain, having moved from our historic home of Woolwich. Our presence today stretches across the UK, from Scotland and the North East, to Plymouth and the South coast.
With the majority of our units in the South we offer great stability.
Get DirectionsThe Royal Artillery Historical Society (RAHS) exists to encourage and promote an interest in the organisation, equipment and history of the Royal Artillery (RA) and gunnery in general. Membership is open to all serving and retired, regular and reserve and volunteer ranks of the RA. Applications from others for affiliate membership of the society should be made in writing to the secretary and supported in writing by a full member. The subscription is £15 per year.
Society Address: The RAHS Secretary, Royal Artillery Historical Society, Royal Artillery Institution, Artillery House, Royal Artillery Barracks, Larkhill, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 8QT
Exercise Ubique Hunter 24
Over the Bank Holiday Weekend (May 4-May 6), the Royal Artillery were pleased to host Exercise Ubique Hunter 24, our annual Army Cadets UK competition at Larkhill.
The cadets rotated through stands representing trades and skills from across the Gunners across the three days - well done to Army Cadets from Isle of Man for coming top overall.

Royal Artillery Gunner Magazine
Royal Artillery Gunner Magazine is a bi-monthly edition, the editor is Miss Cheryl Bolla.
You can contact her on 01980 845652 or there is a subscriptions number 01980 634204. Alternatively, you can email [email protected]
In Gunner you will find the latest news and articles about the wide range of activities that our serving and retired family get up to. The magazine is hosted through the Royal Artillery Association website. There is also an interactive version hosted on Defence Gateway.
Link to Magazine via RAARoyal Artillery Journal
Royal Artillery Journal
The Journal is a quarterly magazine, the editor is Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Nigel Cooke.
You can contact him via Telephone on 01980 845241 or Email [email protected]

The Royal School of Artillery
The Royal School of Artillery is an international Centre of Excellence for Artillery Training. The staff is made up of highly qualified Instructors from the RA, several overseas artillery instructors and Civil Servants.
Learn more on the Royal School of ArtilleryLance Bombardier Abbie Robinson Wyss
She began her career as a King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery (KTRHA) Mounted Gunner, and is celebrating after passing her apprenticeship exams and specialising as a KTRHA Military Farrier.
Lance Bombardier Robinson Wyss, aged 28 from Portland Street, Whitwell said: “I was just so focused on passing and put a lot of pressure on myself to do the best I could but to then realise I had made history by becoming the first female farrier in the British Army was mega, I don’t know if it’s sunk in yet, it’s surreal.