Providing International Defence Education
Sandhurst academics have been supporting the work of Defence Attachés by running week-long educational abroad courses mainly in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and South America for many years.
They run this initiative under the academy heading of Exercise Dynamic Influence.

These courses are centred on the Sandhurst lecturers’ areas of expertise which they deliver to students at the academy and to British Army Captains on their career development courses.
Each course is modified for the particular audience being taught. If requested and given sufficient lead time they can also research and design other academic courses if requested.
Courses are provided at no cost to the host nation.
For more information, email Colonel (Retd) Ronnie McCourt
Enquire now
Sandhurst lecturers are Civil Servants, teach at master’s level in the academy and deploy ‘solo’ or in pairs, normally at the end of each term as a result of ‘irreducible spare training capacity’.
They currently offer six types of week-long courses:
- The Psychology of Leadership
- Effective Media Operations
- Counter-Insurgency
- Conflict Management
- Counter-Terrorism, Principles and Practice
- Information Operations