Army Training Centre (ATC) Pirbright is about 30 miles west of London, close to the towns of Aldershot and Guildford.
ATC Pirbright delivers the 13 week training course known as the Common Military Syllabus Future Soldier (CMS FS). The course aims to build character, mental and physical resilience, basic military skills as well as instilling the Army’s core values and standards. CMS FS prepares recruits for their Initial Trade Training, where they learn the specific skills for their chosen Army trade.
ATC Pirbright delivers Basic Training for new recruits joining:
Army Air Corps, Army Medical Services, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Corps of Royal Engineers, Corps of Army Music, Royal Regiment of Artillery, Royal Corps of Signals, Royal Logistic Corps, Adjutant General’s Corps, Intelligence Corps.

What you'll learn
Those coming to ATC Pirbright will be taught and trained on a variety of military aspects.
- Fieldcraft
- Skill at Arms
- Fitness training
- Qualities of a soldier
- Military knowledge
- Battlefield casualty drills
- Individual health
- Education
The key events over the 13 week CMS FS are as follows:
Week 1: Attestation (a formal ceremony to join the British Army), kit issue, administration and introduction to Values and Standards (V&S).
Week 2: Weapons training, and basic field craft.
Week 3: Weapon training, live firing and navigation.
Week 4: Adventurous Training and first long weekend.
Week 5: Live firing, Casualty Training Drills.
Week 6: Exercise First Encounter - first nights in the field.
Week 7: Live firing test, family's day (a chance for your family to come and visit you).
The second part of the course continues with more exciting, challenging and ultimately rewarding training. It’s a proud moment for all involved when the course ends and the Pass Off Parade takes place.
Week 8: Second field exercise.
Week 9: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) introduction, Law of Armed Conflict and Counter Explosive Ordnance.
Week 10: Realities of War study.
Week 11: Exercise Final Fling - final field exercise.
Week 12: Military Training Digital Skills, Arms Drill and Initial trade Training visit.
Week 13: Arms drill and final administration ahead of a prestigious passing out parade in front of family, friends and unit representatives.
The two-week Phase One (Bravo) course at ATC Pirbright is designed to be the climax of an Army Reserve recruit’s training. He or she is considered a trained soldier after completing their TSC(B) course.
All Army Reserve soldiers complete basic training. For Regional Units, training is completed in two parts:
- six modular Trained Soldier Course (Alpha) (TSC(A)) weekends at a Regional Training Centre
followed by this two-week Phase One (Bravo) in which recruits are trained and mentored by expert Regular Army staff - Basic training is designed to teach everything an Army Reserve recruit needs to know to become an effective soldier and fulfil their role within the Army Reserve – from military terminology, drill and how to wear uniform, to physical fitness, weapon handling, first aid, field craft and map reading.
The course is intense, challenging and enjoyable. It concludes – for those who pass – with a prestigious Passing Out Parade in front of family, friends and unit representatives.
Coming to ATC Pirbright may be a new recruit's first time away from home. Army barrack accommodation is not like living at home, and recruits must learn new standards and rules of behaviour. But it's comfortable and friendly.
Recruits share accommodation with the other members of their section, but there is a reasonable amount of privacy for the individual. All the facilities are modern and well equipped, and female students have their own separate accommodation.
1 Army Training Regiment (ATR) Pirbright has four sub-units. They are affiliated to different Corps but train recruits destined for all parts of the Army, Regular and Reserve.
- 59 (Asten) Battery - Royal Artillery
- 96 (Duke of Gloucester) Squadron - Royal
Logistic Corps - Jackson Company - Adjutant General's
Corps - Chavasse Company - Royal Army Medical
2 Army Training Regiment (ATR) Pirbright has five sub-units. They are affiliated to different Corps but train recruits destined for all parts of the Army, Regular and Reserve.
- 1 (Fowler) Squadron - Royal Corps of Signals
- 108 (The Princess Royal) Squadron - The Royal Logistic Corps
- 28 Squadron - Royal Engineers
- Caen Squadron - Royal Armoured Corps
- D Company - Army Reserve
ATC Pirbright is near Woking in Surrey, about 35 miles from London. The postcode for satnav users is GU24 OQQ.
By train
The nearest railway station is Brookwood. The ATC operates a shuttle bus service on reporting days. Recruits arriving by rail are met at the station by a member of the ATC's staff.
By car
Recruits may not bring a private car with them, but they can be dropped off.
Recruits training at ATC Pirbright can be contacted by post at the following address:
Number, rank and name
ATC Pirbright
Alexander Barracks
GU24 0QQ
Workforce Support
- Recruiting Group/Assessment Centre - 01483 798385 (Working hours only)/07738 733928 (out of hours – urgent calls only)
- ATC (P) Guard Room 01483 798376 (0900-2000hrs)
- ATC (P) Piquet officer 07815 504455 (to be called ONLY in the event of a critical/urgent situation (risk to life), pertinent to your relative at ATC (P) and the Guard Room is unavailable)
- If you need to contact a Recruit in training, please refer to their Joining Instructions which explains how to contact the relevant specific Training Team.