The Army Recovery Capability (ARC) is part of the Defence Recovery Capability. This is a MOD and 3rd Sector Partnership providing support to Personnel on Recovery Duty (PRD), enabling them to swiftly return to duty.
Most SP will remain managed within their parent unit whilst on long term sick absence until they Return To Duty (RTD) unless there is a complex need requiring additional recovery support.
If a RTD is not possible the ARC will also support a transition to civilian life.
All Service Personnel (SP) are managed in accordance with their priority of need. Personnel on Recovery Duty will have an Individual Recovery Plan (IRP), a Recovery Officer to manage their recovery pathway and access to all recovery facilities and courses.
Parent units, or a unit closer to the SP’s sick leave address on Unit Assist, will conduct recovery visits every 14 days.
These mandatory visits act as an opportunity to develop the SP’s IRP and identify issues encountered requiring further support.
Those Service Personnel (SP) who are on Personnel on Recovery Duty (PRD) with the greatest and most complex level of recovery need, may be assigned to a specialist unit called a Personnel Recovery Unit. The ARC has four Personnel Recovery Centres (PRCs) under Command of Regional PRUs. All PRD SP can have access to PRC facilities.
They provide residential accommodation for Recovery courses, day facilities for and act as a hub for agencies and charities to provide specialist advice, support and other recovery activities.
They can be used as a base to start other recovery activities such as Graduated Return to Work programme, mandatory military training tests and work placements.
Each PRC has a dedicated military team and an Operating Charity who conduct the day-to-day running of the centres. PRCs also provide recreational facilities, family respite accommodation and veterans access.
The Battle Back Centre (BBC) based at Lillieshall is run in partnership with the Royal British Legion (RBL). They provide multi-activity courses for Personnel on Recovery Duty (PRD). They focus on increasing self-confidence, improving motivation and the ability to deal with stress together with developing a positive mental attitude.
Other courses are run at BBC by the RBL for PRD Service Personnel families and veterans.
Personnel on Recovery Duty (PRD) who are unable to return to duty have full access to resettlement services and facilities based at regional Army Education Centres.
They will also have access to the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) which is a partnering agreement between the MOD and Right Management to help personnel leaving the Armed Forces.
CTP+ provides access to specialist employment consultant support for Service Personnel (SP) on PRD with the greatest barriers to employment to enable a supported transition or achieve a wider vocational outcome.
Unit referrals can be made to the Defence Transition Service for PRD SP and families where there is an enduring need identified prior to discharge.
This will initiate support from government, local authorities, independent bodies and the charity sector as appropriate to needs identified.

Edinburgh House Personnel Recovery Centre (PRC) opened in 2009 and has residential accommodation for 12 personnel, with further capacity for up to 15 day attendees.
The recovery services at Chavasse VC House are available to all wounded, injured and sick Service Personnel, Veterans and their loved ones.
The Battle Back Centre supports wounded, injured and sick Service personnel.
Catterick Garrison is where you’ll find our recovery centre for the North of the UK. The centre is accessible to all wounded, injured and sick personnel and their loved ones.
The recovery services at Tedworth House are available to all wounded, injured and sick Service Personnel, Veterans and their loved ones.