The modern battlefield is an extremely complex environment where increasingly large amounts of information must flow without interruption, whilst being protected from exploitation or disruption by a technically advanced enemy.
The Falcon is the joint tactical trunk communications system for the Land Environment.
It replaced Ptarmigan and uses Internet Protocol technology to provide a high capacity, tactical, formation level secure, communications system for the ARRC, RAF and UK Divisions and Brigades.
The BOWMAN family of tactical radios provides the British Army with HF, VHF and UHF voice and data communications from formation headquarters forward to the fighting units
BOWMAN exploits the latest developments in radio and computer technology to meet the needs for services well into the 21st century.
Designed to provide an integrated digital communications network interfacing with higher level systems and networks such as ISDN, Skynet V and FALCON.
Commanders at all levels are given secure voice and data communications as well as an integrated Global Positioning System (GPS).
The Royal Signals are responsible for the provision of all of the Army's tactical satellite ground terminals, providing strategic and operational satellite communications for all land-based Headquarters.
- SMALL SATCOM: The SMALL SATCOM capability consists of a SWE-DISH CCT-120 satellite ground terminal, owned by Paradigm. The ground terminal uses the SKYNET5 network to provide a service to users on operations worldwide. The satellite ground terminal is reasonably lightweight, transportable within an airframe and can be set up by a single trained operator in less than 30 minutes.
- REACHER: Provides the cornerstone of the satellite communications terminals for the UK MOD, delivering a range of services through robust, secure communication links. Reacher is available in three variants, large, medium and Royal Marine terminals. The large and medium terminals are mounted on the Mowag Duro 3 vehicle.
- SKYNET V: Private Finance Initiative (PFI) with Paradigm Services Ltd owning and managing the satellites in orbit and the controlling satellite ground stations. The Skynet 5 PFI also provides the deployable satellite ground terminals, including the Reacher and Talon. It provides a capability to extend the range of in-theatre systems such as FALCON and Cormorant as well as a connection to the UK fixed communications systems.