• The Royal Logistic Corps
  • Specialist Unit

20 Transport Squadron

20 Transport Squadron Royal Logistic Corps is an independent sub-unit that is operationally committed to providing transport support to the Royal Travel Office high profile ceremonial activity across London District and Senior Staff in the MOD.

We are based in two locations:

  • Regent's Park Barracks
  • MOD Main Building

We have 80 personnel - approximately a fifty-fifty mix of military personnel and civil servants. Our civilian contingent are mostly professional drivers that provide vital capability and continuity. Living in the heart of Central London comes with additional allowances for junior soldiers and is the only unit in the Corps to offer such an opportunity.

We provide support in several different ways, including:

  • Support to London District units with routine movements

  • Support to Public Duties and State Ceremonial Events

  • Maintaining and driving The Royal Baggage Train

  • Executing a range of VIP and VVIP driving tasks

  • Providing transport expertise to the London District

We operate a variety of vehicles to enable us to execute our role effectively, including:

  • Royal Baggage Wagons
  • Coaches
  • Minibuses
  • Heavy Good Vehicles
  • Light Goods Vehicles
  • A range of high-spec staff cars

Maintaining a large fleet of vehicles enables 20 Transport Squadron to support other units that do not have the capability to hold their own Motor Transport Department.

We have soldiers in every rank, most commonly from the Driver trade. Our civil servants have a wealth of experience, with some having served for over 20 years in the Unit.

The unique nature of the Squadron and the organisations it supports, provide its personnel with excellent experiences that demand the highest of professional standards. These experiences also enable personnel to practise their trade daily, as well as gaining additional qualifications.

Corporal ‘Blue’ McKay – Section Commander

I was posted to 20 Transport Squadron RLC in November 2018 as a Section Commander. During my time at 20 Squadron, I have completed a number of high-profile taskings such as driving Her Majesty The Queen's Baggage Train and both British and foreign Senior Officers. I have also had the privilege of going to Scotland to work at Balmoral Castle in September 2019. On this tasking, I chauffeured various members of the Royal Family and VVIP members of Parliament.

20 Squadron RLC is a dream job for any RLC driver. It provides ample opportunity and a platform to perform and display our trade skill and expertise to the Royal Household and most senior cohort of Tri-Service officers and civil service counterparts. I am glad to be a part of this special unit and would recommend serving here to any Driver trade soldier that wishes for a different type of challenge.

Sporting Opportunities

20 Transport Squadron provides its personnel with many opportunities to conduct individual and group sports and Adventurous Training (AT). A multi-activity AT package is organised annually that is attended by as many personnel as possible and the Unit also enters a team into the RLC SKI Championships.

In the last 12 months, individuals have also gained various individual AT qualifications in a variety of activities, such as: paragliding, parachuting and mountain biking. The size of 20 Transport Squadron enables personnel to try a variety of sports and the Unit has recently seen success in hockey, basketball, volleyball and running competitions.

Sergeant Alex Moorcroft – Administration Sergeant

I was posted to 20 Transport Squadron in January 2020 as the Administration Sergeant for B Troop. My troop is responsible for conducting high-profile tasks within London - the most significant being to provide transportation for The Royal Travel Office. Other tasks consist of staff driving for Senior Officers and Ministers within the MOD main building, transportation for Public Duties and State Ceremonial events and further transport support to units within the London District.

I am responsible for assigning troops to tasks, ensuring they are medically and dentally fit, making sure Drivers' Hours are adhered to in addition to assuring that all annual mandated individual training is completed to maintain the Sqn’s effectiveness.


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