Current vacancies in The RLC
All job opportunities are listed on the Official Army Vacancies List (OAVL) on the Defence Intranet (Defence Gateway login required).
- Lieutenant to Major DE/LE - on a case by case basis
- Captain - Ammunition Technical Officer – (re-joiners only. Must have already passed the ATO Course)
- Private only - Driver Tank Transporter Operator, Petroleum Operator
- Private and Lance Corporal - Chef, Driver Communications Specialist, Ammunition Technician
All other trades, at all ranks, are full and are now off the Official Army Vacancy List. There are no re-joiner vacancies at this time. The option to transfer from Reserve to Regular is also unavailable.
Official Army Vacancies List
Former service in the British Army is highly valued and if you’re thinking of re-joining, The RLC has a job waiting for you.
If you previously served in the Regular Army, you can return to full-time service, even if you left under the Armed Forces Redundancy Scheme. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, if you left within the last three years, you could possibly be fast tracked and back with us in four weeks or less.
We also have opportunities for personnel from other Services to join us.
If you have access to MODNET, click here for more information.
If you want to re-trade in The RLC, you must see if there are job opportunities available in the latest OAVL.
The RLC’s re-trade policy and application process can be found in Annex H to RLC Corps Instruction H18.
Units have a key role in aiding successful transfers and must not delay or decline an application, irrespective of their current manning situation.
If you want to transfer from the Reserve to the Regular RLC, you need to look for job opportunities on the OAVL. The policy and process for applying to join the Regular RLC from the Reserves is contained within 2014DIN01-213 (MODNET access is required).
Applicants should apply to transfer on an AF B241B and units will be required to supply background details to enable APC career managers to make a decision.
Personnel may also apply to transfer to or from another Service. This process is outlined in 2014DIN01-014 - Regular Army Transfer Policy and the form on which you can apply is AF B241A (MODNET access is required).