The Regiment is organised into six squadrons:
- 55 Headquarters Squadron
- 50 Postal Courier and Movement Control Squadron
- 59 Postal Courier and Movement Control Squadron
- 69 Postal Courier and Movement Control Squadron
- 80 Postal Courier and Movement Control Squadron
- 99 Postal Courier and Movement Control Squadron
The Headquarters Squadron consist of all the element required to support the five task squadrons. This includes: Communications, catering support, logistic specialist support, the Light Aid Detachment, HR, mechanical transport and physical training specialists. We are developing a strong relationship with our paired reserve, 162 Regiment RLC, alongside twinned units in Canada, France and the USA.
29 Regiment RLC is the Army’s only specialist Movement Control and Postal & Courier Regiment. The Movement Controller trade ensures that all people, kit and equipment are deployed safely and securely across all modes of transport around the globe on Operations and Exercises.
The Postal and Courier trade ensures that diplomatic and personal mail and parcels are delivered across the globe to deployed personnel. The Regiment is based at the Duke of Gloucester Barracks, South Cerney, near Cirencester. From here we also operate the Joint Air Mounting Centre.
Every Operation and Exercise no matter where in the world is supported by 29 Regiment RLC. Our team of specialist tradespeople ensure that the deploying force, along with all of its kit and equipment, is moved safely and the movement is legally compliant. We are present at both the points of embarkation and disembarkation to ensure that host nation's customs clearances are met.
Once deployed in a Theatre of Operations or on a large-scale Exercise, our team of specialist Postal and Courier experts will establish a series of Postal support hubs. This allows the deploying force to communicate with their families and receive much treasured mail and parcels. In addition to this, our specialists will securely deliver the vital diplomatic correspondence sent between our Government's departments and Britain's Embassies.
The Regiment’s primary trades are Postal & Courier Operator and Movement Controller, but they are not the only trades we employ. We have a diverse mix of jobs and careers on offer:
- Movement Controller
- Postal & Courier Operator
- Driver Communications Specialist
- Logistic Supply Specialist
- Driver
- Chef
- Army Officer
Serving within the Regiment are Adjutant Generals Corps SPS HR Specialists, Royal Army Physical Training Corps Instructors, REME Vehicle Mechanics and Armourers.
Lance Corporal William Ross - Movement Controller
I transferred into trade two years ago. It's the best decision I have ever made. The opportunity for travel, responsibility and job satisfaction is fantastic. Not long after joining I went to Latvia followed by an operational tour in Estonia. As a Lance Corporal I was the only Movement Controller in Eastern Europe, planning Battle Group sized movements. This was a daunting task, but I was well prepared and supported. The job is challenging but the sense of achievement is amazing. In the next few months, I will be traveling worldwide on various taskings.
29 RLC really supports its sportsmen and women. After joining the Army I learnt how to skydive. I was selected from across the British Army to be part of the Army four-way Formation Skydiving Team. Last year we competed in every tournament and we were crowned UK National Champions!

Private Cassie Holberry - Postal & Courier Operator
After spending five amazing years in the Army Reserve, I joined the Regular Army as a Postal & Courier Operator, to carry on the adventure full time. I have not looked back. After completing my training, I deployed to Afghanistan. Part of my job was to ensure that all vital diplomatic correspondence was delivered to Government departments. But most rewarding was delivering vital mail and parcels to my fellow deployed soldiers.
Since joining 29 RLC I have enjoyed sporting success. I learned to snowboard and competed as a novice in the Army Snowboarding Championships. I won first place in all three disciplines and am the 2020 Army and RLC Novice Champion. I was also part of the regimental team that won the RLC Six-a-Side Football Championship and I train with the 29 RLC boxing team and hope to compete in the RLC Championships.