A Regiment of the British Army, defending Gibraltar since 1939, in all major theatres since 1969. Part of the Queen's Division of Infantry
About Us
Active from
28 April 1939
Light Role Infantry
Defence Engagement
The Barbarians have a pedigree of working in partnership with other nations forces. At home we provide the UK with a Forward Mounting base in the Mediterranean.
Security of Gibraltar
Dismounted Close-Combat
Mentoring and Training
Peace Support Operations
Force Protection
Band and Corps of Drums
Supporting the Royal Navy's presence in the Middle East.
Past deployments:
Partnering Moroccan Armed Forces
Preparing Gambian UN Forces
Regulars and Reservists from Gibraltar and around the UK
LCpl Tal William Lamb, Physical Training Instructor
Pte Kyle Davis, Army Hockey champion
Cpl Ruth Fortuna, RG Band musician
Devil's Tower Camp - Gibraltar
The Rock of Gibraltar is an iconic British territory in the western Mediterranean.