Our Squadrons
The Queen's Gurkha Signals Squadrons are located across the UK.
- 242 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Stafford
- 246 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Perham Down
- 247 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Stafford
- 248 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Stafford
- 249 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Bulford
- 250 Gurkha Signal Squadron - Bramcote
Overseas locations
We also have teams overseas:
- Brunei Signal Troop - Provides CIS support to British Forces Brunei including secure message services in support of the garrison
- Nepal Signal Troop - Provides CIS support to HQ British Gurkhas Nepal and its units
Regimental Headquarters
Based at Gamecock Barracks Bramcote along with RHQ 30th Signal Regiment. Commander QG SIGNALS is also the Commanding Officer of 30th Signal Regiment. They ensure the wider employment opportunities throughout Royal Signals. It also advises Royal Signals, HQ Brigade of Gurkhas and APC Glasgow on the employment of QG SIGNALS within the Corps.
RHQ is responsible for all Regimental matters and issues, particularly Gurkha Welfare and ensuring Regimental ethos and Kaida (traditions) are maintained. RHQ QG SIGNALS is also responsible for organising events such as sport the Regimental birthday parade and annual reunion, Trailwalker UK, attestation and commissioning parades and the religious and other Nepali festivals celebrated each year within the regiment.
RHQ is also responsible for the introduction of new recruits into the Regiment.