Mental Resilience in the time of COVID-19
In the animation below, Captain Rebecca Collins (a clinical psychologist) and WO2 Austin Lindsay (Mental Resilience Training Lead) talk about Mental Resilience in the time of COVID-19.
The Army’s Mental Resilience Training (MRT) programme is part of the suite of products delivered by OPSMART has its origins in sport and performance psychology. MRT is designed to help soldiers recognise and regulate the signs of stress and to help them prepare for difficult events and circumstances.
By helping soldiers to develop effective coping strategies, MRT prepares them for the stresses they’ll face in training, deployment and general military life. Capt Collins and WO2 Lindsay explain how the Seven Pillars of Mental Resilience and the Five Psychological Skills you need to practice in order to strengthen your pillars and promote your mental resilience in these strange and uncertain times.
Capt Rebecca Collins, British Army Clinical Psychologist
In the interview below, recorded before social distancing was put in place, Capt Collins talks about the mental health support services available to all army personnel, and more in depth about some of her work in clinical psychology. Becky is also obviously aware of the importance of maintaining her own mental wellbeing and tells us about some of the skills and techniques she uses to ensure this.
Where to ask for helpIn the Army, physical strength is important – but it’s only part of the story. Mental resilience is a person's ability to respond effectively to stress, pressure, risk and adversity, all of which you’ll face in your Army career. Mental Resilience Training (MRT) is the development of a soldier's psychological capability and capacity to respond effectively to the circumstances with which they are faced.
The Pillars of Mental Resilience
- SELF-BELIEF – confidence in your own abilities and judgement
- POSITIVE AFFECT – the ability to interact with life in a positive way
- EMOTIONAL CONTROL – the ability to understand and express your emotions
- MENTAL CONTROL – the ability to control thinking, attention, concentration, focus, self-awareness, reflexivity, problem-solving
- SENSE OF PURPOSE – the motivation that drives you forward
- COPING – adaptability, natural coping strategies you have learnt through coping in previous stressful situation
- SOCIAL SUPPORT – the social network you have and the ways you use it

The Mental Resilience Training Programme
The Army’s Mental Resilience Training (MRT) programme has its origins in sport and performance psychology. MRT is designed to help soldiers recognise and regulate the signs of stress and to help them prepare for difficult events and circumstances. By helping soldiers to develop effective coping strategies, MRT prepares them for the stresses they’ll face in training, deployment and general military life.