As part of the Queen's Birthday Honours List the Army recognises some of its personnel with a selection of commendations and medals including the Meritorious Service Medal, Chief of the General Staff Commendation, and Army 3* Commendations, as follows:
Warrant Officer Class Two (now Warrant Officer Class One) D G Bailey, Grenadier Guards
Warrant Officer Class One, G J Bamford, Royal Corps of Signals
Staff Sergeant L J Banton, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Warrant Officer Class Two (now Warrant Officer Class One) D G Bailey, Grenadier Guards
Warrant Officer Class One, G J Bamford, Royal Corps of Signals
Staff Sergeant L J Banton, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Warrant Officer Class Two J L Blackburn, Royal Corps of Signals
Captain Nicholas J M Brown, The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Warrant Officer Class Two M W Catarall, The Mercian Regiment
Warrant Officer Class Two A P Catling, The Royal Logistic Corps
Warrant Officer Class Two (now Captain) Sombahadur Chhantel Magar, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
Warrant Officer Class Two P Connor, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class One M K Constantine, The Royal Logistic Corps
Warrant Officer Class One D P Cope,Welsh Guards, 25102725
Warrant Officer Class One D P Crighton, Royal Army Medical Corps
Warrant Officer Class One S W Dickson GM, The Royal Logistic Corps
Warrant Officer Class One A J Eardley, Army Air Corps
Staff Sergeant P D Fyfe, Adjutant General’s Corps (Military Provost Guard Service)
Warrant Officer Class 1 A M Gill, Corps of Royal Engineers
Captain M Gill, The Royal Logistic Corps
Warrant Officer Class One P Graham, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two A Gurung, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class One D Henderson, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
Warrant Officer Class One C D Hill, The Rifles
Warrant Officer Class One (now Captain) M A T Howarth, Corps of Royal Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two C Irving, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class One G M Jones, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two M A Marston, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Warrant Officer Class One M F McAteer, Army Air Corps
Warrant Officer Class One (now Corporal) R McClenaghan, The Parachute Regiment (now Army Reserve)
Warrant Officer Class One R McDuff, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class One (now Staff Sergeant) S P McEvilly, Corps of Royal Engineers (now Army Reserve)
Warrant Officer Class One D McGarr, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Warrant Officer Class Two S G Mouncher, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class One L Pears, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Colour Sergeant Hari Rai, The Royal Gurkha Rifles
Warrant Officer Class Two L J Reynolds, The Royal Irish Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One (now Captain) M Richardson, Royal Tank Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One Alison Sabiston, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class Two M P Screen, Royal Corps of Army Music
Warrant Officer Class Two M A Stewart, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class One P D Townsend, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class One S Watson, Corps of Royal Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two G J Williams, Welsh Guards
Warrant Officer Class One G D Wyatt, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Acting Lieutenant Colonel C D Adair Adjutant General’s Corps (Army Legal Services)
Major J L Adcock Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Major B L Addison, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class Two B Alcorn, Small Arms School Corps
Staff Sergeant L P Baldwin, Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Warrant Officer Class One D P Bennett, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
Sergeant P Bhandari, Royal Gurkha Rifles
Major D J Boocock, Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Captain D P Burditt, The Royal Logistic Corps
Captain J J K Burridge, The Mercian Regiment
Acting Lieutenant Colonel (now Major) A Butcher MBE, Grenadier Guards
Major (now Acting Lieutenant Colonel ) D R G Claydon, Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Ms S Collins, Civil Service
Lieutenant Colonel (now Acting Colonel) A David, US Army
Bombardier L Z Dove, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Captain Z R Faja, Coldstream Guards
Lieutenant Colonel C E D Field, Royal Yeomanry
Captain R S Fletcher, The Rifles
Major H G S Foster, King's Royal Hussars
Lieutenant Colonel C Franca, JAG Corps US Army
Guardsman E J Gilbert Grenadier Guards
Colour Sergeant P J Grant, Royal Regiment of Scotland
Major S W Green MBE, Coldstream Guards
Captain T L Guyler, Royal Tank Regiment
Major J T Hancock, The Rifles
Major J E M de M Hann, Royal Dragoon Guards
Sergeant B P Harwood, Intelligence Corps
Mr R Haynes, Civil Service
Mr B Hogg, Civil Service
Staff Sergeant W A Holmes, Royal Corps of Signals
Warrant Officer Class Two S Jenkinson-Cross, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Major S R Jones, Royal Army Veterinary Corps
Miss A E M M Kerr, Civil Service
Major C A Kidd, Royal Engineers
Corporal J J Klewchuk, The Royal Logistic Corps
Lance Corporal D S Lambert, Intelligence Corps
Major S A Macpherson, Royal Engineers
Staff Sergeant S Malla, Queen's Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment
Major L McAulay, Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Lance Corporal L C M McGarrity, Royal Army Medical Corps
Warrant Officer Class Two D P Mitson, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Warrant Officer Class Two O S Navuso, Royal Regiment of Scotland
Warrant Officer Class One A L Neathey, Royal Army Medical Corps
Lance Corporal J A Nicholson, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
Warrant Officer Class Two B J Phillpott, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Lieutenant Colonel E D Poore, TD VR The Royal Logistic Corps
Acting Corporal (now Corporal ) M J Price, Intelligence Corps
Corporal J B Ricketts, Royal Army Medical Corps
Major G A Robinson, The Rifles
Major G J Ross, Army Air Corps
Major G Sleeman, Adjutant General’s Corps (Army Legal Services)
Corporal C-R Stock, Royal Army Medical Corps
Sergeant A Tamang, Royal Gurkha Rifles
Squadron Leader H B M Thomas, Royal Air Force
Captain (now Acting Major) L T Tippett, Royal Engineers
Major S E Turton, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Corporal D P S Walker, The Parachute Regiment
Major R P Walker, The Royal Welsh
Warrant Officer Class Two D Weatherby, The Rifles
Warrant Officer Class One T J H Woodward, The Royal Logistic Corps
Captain C R J Woolass, Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Sergeant S D Adamson, Royal Engineers
Captain C J Aylward, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Captain W J Bacon, The Royal Welsh
Warrant Officer Class Two A Beaney, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Capt A M Campbell, Royal Regiment of Scotland
Major L J Campbell, Adjutant General’s Corps (Army Legal Services)
Captain A S Coe, The Royal Logistic Corps
Warrant Officer Class One J Coleman, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Major (now Lieutenant Colonel) D J Crimmins, The Royal Welsh
Major S T Dickson, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Staff Sergeant S W Duffus, Royal Engineers
Corporal C N Eady, The Royal Logistic Corps
Staff Sergeant G D Edmondston, The Royal Logistic Corps
Captain B Elmhirst, The Yorkshire Regiment
Lance Corporal J P Feeley, The Rifles
Captain N Garcia, The Mercian Regiment
Various N/A Gd Shift 22 Engineer Regiment Royal Engineers
Lieutenant Colonel T S Gore, The Royal Logistic Corps
Major J L Hansmeyer, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Major A J Henry, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Major J R P Heugh, The Royal Anglian Regiment
Captain W A B Hogarth-Jones, Scots Guards
Captain N J Johnson, Army Air Corps
Sergeant L D Johnston, The Royal Irish Regiment
Warrant Officer Class Two F C Kyle, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Major N Liladhar, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Acting Staff Sergeant (nowStaff Sergeant) R Lowe Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Captain S A Mann, The Mercian Regiment
Maj B C J Matthews, 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards
Captain R T McCrindle, Scots Guards
Warrant Officer Class Two C Murphy, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Sergeant W O Nichols, Intelligence Corps
Captain K O'Connor, Light Dragoons
Major S A Olohan, Royal Yeomanry
Captain M L Palmer, Royal Marines
Captain N S Parry, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Warrant Officer Class One C Pavelin, Royal Army Medical Corps
Warrant Officer Class Two A J Pennicott, Light Dragoons
Colour Sergeant C J Phillips, Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment
Warrant Officer Class Two R C Priestley, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Captain A J Sandle, The Royal Logistic Corps
Corporal A M Severn, Royal Army Medical Corps
Staff Sergeant P Short, Royal Lancers
Captain P Skelton, The Duke of Lancaster's Regiment
Sergeant R M Smith, The Royal Logistic Corps
Captain T J Stevenson, The Royal Irish Regiment
Captain A D J Stewart, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Staff Sergeant V J Stokes, Royal Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two (now Warrant Officer Class One) J P Thompson, The Royal Logistic Corps
Major D A C Webster, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Sergeant V Young, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Corporal C Young, The Rifles
Major A D Ashman, Royal Army Medical Corps
Captain P J Allen, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Lieutenant D Austin, Intelligence Corps
LET (WE) K C C Clark, Royal Navy
Warrant Officer Class Two J Lawrence, The Royal Logistic Corps
Sergeant P S Liddle, Royal Corps of Signals
Captain K M D McArthur, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Major M S Mckenzie-Bell, Royal Corps of Signals
Wing Commander R Noel OBE, Royal Air Force
Major M P O'Rourke, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Captain E E Palmer, Royal Army Medical Corps
Corporal G S Parkinson, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Lieutenant R W Partridge, Royal Naval Reserve
Warrant Officer P J Stanley, Royal Air Force
Captain M R F Telford, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Staff Sergeant G C A Alexander, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Corporal (now Acting Sergeant) A Broadley, Royal Army Medical Corps
Major T A Bucknall, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
Warrant Officer Class Two 2 D Campbell, The Parachute Regiment
Major H L Clover, Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps
Lieutenant Colonel L G Foster, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Acting Lieutenant Colonel M Z Hamid, Combined Cadet Force
Mr S Hunt, Contractor
Corporal L D Jackson, Royal Corps of Signals
Major J P A Kenyon, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Captain R J Kilvington, Coldstream Guards
Staff Sergeant C P E Lees, Adjutant General’s Corps (Royal Military Police)
Staff Sergeant J A Minhas, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Sergeant N F Moon, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Corporal J A Morris, The Royal Welsh
Major P Nelson TD, Royal Army Medical Corps
Captain t M L Norman, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Warrant Officer Class One N E Pannell, Royal Army Medical Corps
Various PD Branch, Headquarters Regional Command
Major (now Acting Lieutenant Colonel) N C W Purdy, Royal Signals
Corporal A Rai, Queen's Gurkha Engineers
Major R Reid, Royal Army Physical Training Corps
Captain J M B Silver, Grenadier Guards
Captain J R Taylor, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Staff Sergeant J R Wells, The Royal Logistic Corps
Major P B Button, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Lieutenant Commander R T Calhaem, Royal Navy
Warrant Officer Class Two P A Casey, Small Arms School Corps
Major C M Grant, Royal Regiment of Scotland
Acting Major C N G Henson, Royal Lancers
Ms M Horton CS
Major D Hurst, Adjutant General’s Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)
Major J H Marshall, The Royal Logistic Corps
Captain K Matthews, Adjutant General’s Corps (Army Legal Services)
Major T E Owen, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Warrant Officer Class Two M R Pinnell, Royal Dragoon Guards
Acting Warrant Officer Class Two C L Potter, Royal Lancers
Major M J Rimmer, Corps of Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Major A M Charlton, Royal Regiment of Artillery
Major T J Frankland, Royal Army Medical Corps
Major N R Kill, The Royal Logistic Corps
Major T J Oliver, The Royal Logistic Corps
Major D L Pooley, Royal Corps of Signals
Lance Corporal (now Cpl) R A Robinson, Royal Corps of Signals
Corporal (now Sergeant) V Rouse, The Royal Logistic Corps
D1 L A Walmsley Civil Servant