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Digging deeper into THEIA

Following on from the RUSI LWC held June 2nd, the British Army Digital Transformation Program (THEIA) and RUSI brought together key stakeholders from within Defence and across industry to partake in a closed half-day discussion.

The aim of the half-day session was to enable free and frank discussion on how Programme THEIA should progress as well as sharing lessons learnt from within Defence and across industry. Further discussions also centred around the challenges that are present in business and digital technology companies.

Looking forward at Future Soldier discussions were held at length surrounding multi-domain integration, artificial intelligence, changing organisational culture, the rate of technological change as well as the future degraded communications environment to name a few.

Events such as this are of significant benefit to all stakeholders each capitalising on the knowledge and experience in the room and of particular benefit to the progress of the Army’s Digital Transformation Programme, THEIA.

The Technology Magazine have also delved a little deeper into THEIA, if you’d like to read their report join their newsletter community to read it here.


Project THEIA